Inland Empire Collie Club
2024 CCA Regional Herding Tests and Trials
IECC members played a primary role in organizing and putting on the CCA Western Herding Regionals again this year (Sept 6 - 8). Linda Ward coordinated with CCA to handle the AKC paperwork, managed the budget, hired the judges, ordered ribbons and trophies, and raised and helped transport ducks to the trial site in Olympia. Suzanne Schwab also raised ducks and made an additional trip to Olympia to deliver them to the trial site, set up and tore down the two duck courses, was duck setter for the two duck courses, set sheep for both days of the Instinct Test, and made sure judges and workers had water and lunches. Eileen White made the 600 mile round trip to help “wherever needed” and it turned out we needed her to fill in as substitute secretary for three days. John Czarnek made his herding event debut and happily volunteered to help with timing and scribing. And, we had a bigger than usual entry in the HT and PT class thanks to Melinda Barber organizing two collie herding camps at Fido’s Farm earlier this summer. We also had lots of help from non-IECC members including Chris Soderstrom, Lisa Charaba, JoAnne Northcott, and Ashlee Johnson from Fido's Farm; Jeanine Blaner for helping with sheep setting for the instinct tests, helping move sheep and ducks for practice for the week before the trial, and donating prizes for Instinct Test qualifiers; Maria Seibeck for setting ducks for the trials and distributing refreshments to exhibitors; and Danyall Benevidas for providing our lovely suncatcher trophies.
Our thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this event.
Congratulations to Our High In Trial Winners
Friday Ranch Dog Trial 1
High In Trial - CH Borealis Heat Of The Moment RA, HSAs, OA, AXJ, XF, ACT1, TKN
Reserve High In Trial - Moonstone's I'll Pine For You TDX, HSAd, HSBs, HSds, HXAs
Friday Ranch Dog Trial 2
High In Trial - Borealis Trouble And Desire RN, HSAd, HSBd, HSDs, HSAsM, NA,
Reserve High In Trial - GrCH Ability's To The Moon And Back CD, BN, RE,
High In Trial - CH Borealis Heat Of The Moment RA, HSAs, OA, AXJ, XF, ACT1, TKN
Reserve High In Trial - Moonstone's I'll Pine For You TDX, HSAd, HSBs, HSds, HXAs
High In Trial - CH Borealis Heat Of The Moment RA, HSAs, OA, AXJ, XF, ACT1, TKN
Reserve High In Trial - Moonstone's I'll Pine For You TDX, HSAd, HSBs, HSds, HXAs
And Cheers to Our IECC Member Successes
Barb Flaherty and Linda Ward with Louie
CH Sinkona's Jazzman CDX, BN, RE, PT, FDC, OAP, OJP, NFP, ACT1, SWA, SCE, SEE, SBE, CGC - qualifying scores with 4th place in started course A (arena) ducks.
Suzanne Schwab with Torrey
Moonstone's I'll Pine For You TD, HSAd, HSDs, HIAs - two qualifying scores and 1st place in intermediate level course D (ranch); 2 qualifying scores and 1st place in advanced course A (arena) sheep, 2 qualifying scores with 1st place in started level course B (open field) sheep, 3 Reserve High in Trials. Completed advanced level Arena (HXAs) and started level Open Field (HSBs) titles on sheep.
Linda Ward with Ebony
CH Sinkona's Black Magic CD, BN, RI, HSAd, OAJ, OAP, AJP, OF, CGC -
two qualifying scores and two 2nd place in started level course A (arena) ducks,
completed started level Arena (HSAd) title on ducks .
Linda Ward with Elsa
MXP8, MXPG, MJP9, MJPG, PAX2, MFP, T2BP, CA, BCAT, CGC - 1st place and 5th place started level course A (arena)
ducks, 1st place on started level course B (open field) ducks
Melinda Barber
2 qualifying legs to complete Pretrial title on CH Moxie Flight of Fancy PT
qualifying Herding Test leg on Moxie's Laugh Riot II TKN, FITS
Teri Liechty and Melinda Barber
Instinct Test qualifying leg on Moxie That's No Moon! BN, CGC
Suzi and John Czarnek
Snovalley Ice Princess RN, CGC