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2024 Rally Trial

Congratulations to our Rally Trial Winners 

Highest Triple Score ADV/EXC/MASTER - All American - RACH Just Chillin' CD BN RM4 RAE3

High Combined  Score  ADV/EXC  - Golden Retriever - Sunlite's Fullhouse Wreck-It Ralph VCD2 UD OM1 BN RE JH NFP BCAT SCN SBN SHDN CCA CGC TKA FITB

Highest Triple Score and High Combined Double Scoring Collie  - GCH, PACH2 Sinkona's Dream Catcher UD, BN, GN, GO, RM2, RAE2, HSAd, HSAsM, MXP8, MXPG, MJP9, MJPG, PAX2,  MFP, T2BP, CA, BCAT, CGC

And Cheers to Our IECC Member Successes

Linda Ward


  • Rally Advanced qualifying score

  • Rally Excellent qualifying score

  • Rally Master qualifying score

Rusty and Bobbie Graves

  • GCH Sinkona's Colors Of The Wind CD, BN, RI, HT, NAP, NJP, OFP, CGC, TKN

    • Rally Advanced qualifying score


John and Susi Czarnek

Ali Seeber and Melinda Barber

Rusty Storm Rally.jpg

November 8-10, 2024 Rally and Obedience Trials

We extend our appreciation to Spokane Dog Training Club and the Greater Spokane Shetland Sheepdog Club for their rental of facilities and equipment for our November all-breed rally and obedience trials.  We had full days of entries all three days - over 80 Rally entries and over 40 Obedience entries both days Thank you to Linda Ward for chairing the event, hiring judges and coordinating the army of workers needed to put on the event.  We had an excellent turnout of club members to help with this event: Caroline Baines and Suzanne Schwab picked up and returned our judge to the airport, and John Czarnek, Kristen Dietrick, Bobbie and Rusty Graves, Barb Flaherty, Teri Liechty, Suzanne, and Ali Seeber all pitched in for ring stewarding, Sherry McCauley provided delicious snacks and lunches for judges and workers all three days, and Kristen, Linda, and Tanya Ward were on hand for clean up at the end of a long weekend.  A big thank you to all the many non-IECC members who also supported our event with their valuable assistance: Barb Benner (our efficient and knowledgeable secretary); Linda Barenz (refreshments/lunches); Rosie Banta, Julie and Eric Dickson, Craig Jensen, Mary Jane McCall, Sally Wells, Phyllis Woods (set up); Roberta Headley, Mary Jane, Sally, Phyllis (ring stewards); and Lest Brost, Eric, Mary Jane, and Sally (tear down and clean up).  And finally, a big thank you to our judges, Mary Jane Shervais and Deborah Addicoat for long days on their feet with continuous concentration to deliver fair and consistent scoring while maintaining a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere.

Congratulations to our Rally and Obedience Trial Winners


Highest Triple Score and High Combined Double Score - Belgian Tervuren - CH Doin' It My Way Of Anduin UDX, GO, VER, RM, RAE, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, NFP

Obedience, Saturday and Sunday:

High In Trial and High Combined Score - Belgian Malinois -  CH, MACH Carousel's Promising Connection VCD3, OM1, BN, GO, VER, RE, MXS, MJS, MFB, TQX, T2B2, BCAT, SWE, SCM, SHDA, CGC

And Cheers to Our IECC Member Successes


Linda Ward

  • Rally Advanced B qualifying score

  • GCH, PACH2, RACH Sinkona's Dream Catcher UD, BN, GN, GO, RM3, RAE2, HSAd, HSBd, HSAsM, MXP8, MXPG, MJP10, MJPC, PAX2, MFP, T2BP, CA, BCAT, CGC

    • Rally Choice qualifying score


Rusty and Bobbie Graves

  • GCH Sinkona's Colors Of The Wind CD, BN, RA, HT, NAP, NJP, OFP, CGC, TKN

    • Rally Excellent qualifying score


Upcoming All-Breed Rally Trials - July 18-20, 2025
Upcoming All-Breed Rally and Obedience Trials - November 7-9, 2025

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