Inland Empire Collie Club
April 15, 2022 Rally and Obedience Trial
Thank you to the Ephrata-Moses Lake Kennel Club who for hosting our all-breed rally and obedience trial at our annual specialty, to the many EMLKC members who assisted with stewarding at both the obedience and rally rings throughout the day.
Congratulations to Our Rally and Obedience Trial Winners
Rally High Combined Triple Score - English Springer Spaniel CH RACH2 Ramblewood Don’t You Forget About Me UD, RM6, RAE5, ACT1, ACTJ2, CGCA, TKP
Rally High Combined Double Score -Rough Collie Silver Cloud Swan’s Gift UDX2, OM2, RE, AX, AXJ, NF for the high combined
Obedience High In Trial - Giant Schnauzer OTCH5 Skansen’s Made You Look UDX7, OGM, RAE
November 10-12, 2023 Rally and Obedience Trials
We extend our appreciation to Spokane Dog Training Club and the Greater Spokane Shetland Sheepdog Club for their rental of facilities and equipment for our November all-breed rally and obedience trials. Thank you to Linda Ward for chairing the event, hiring judges and coordinating the army of workers needed to put on the event. Mauvorneen and Gene Daspit, Teri Leichty, Suzanne Schwab, and Ali Seeber helped with judge transport and Teri, Ali, Suzanne and Barb Flaherty each spent a day ring stewarding. Rusty and Bobbie Graves and Tanya Ward were on hand for ring set up and clean up at the end of a long weekend. A big thank you to all the many non-IECC members who also supported our event with their valuable assistance: Barb Benner, Linda Barenz, Leslie Brost, Cindy Curry, Carol Douglas, Bev Gostovich, Roberta Headley, Craig Jensen, Mary Jane McCall, Mindy Norman, Phyllis Taylor, Sally Wells, Susan White,Karen Winspar, and Phyllis Woods.
Congratulations to our Rally and Obedience Trial Winners
Rally High Combined Triple Score and High Combined Double Score (AM and PM trials) - Belgian Malinois CH, OTCH MACH5, PACH Cairdean's Contact Affirmed VCD3, UDX2, OM3, RM, RAE, MXS2, PDS, MJB2, PJD, MXP3, MXPB, MJP4, MJPB, MFG, TQX, MFP, TQXP, T2B5, CA, FCAT, SWE, SCM, SHDE
Rally High Combined Triple Score and High Combined Double Scoring Collie (AM and PM trials) - GCH, PACH Sinkona's Dream Catcher UD, RE, HSAd, HSAsM, MXP7, MXPG, MJP7, MJPG, PAX, MFP ,T2BP, CA, BCAT, CGC
Obedience High In Trial (Saturday) - Curly Coated Retriever CH, OTCH Charwin Outside The Lines UDX5, OGM, RE, SH, CA
High In Trial (Sunday) - Border Collie Jill XXV UD, VER, RM, MX, MXB, MXJ, MJB, MFB, T2B, CA, BCAT
High Scoring Collie (Saturday and Sunday) - GCH, PACH Sinkona's Dream Catcher UD, RE, HSAd, HSAsM, MXP7, MXPG, MJP7, MJPG, PAX, MFP ,T2BP, CA, BCAT, CGC
And Cheers to Our IECC Member Successes
Linda Ward
Rally Advanced 3rd place, Rally Excellent qualifying AM
Rally Advanced qualifying, Rally Excellent 3rd place PM
Utility A first place Saturday and Sunday to complete Utility Dog Title
Bobbie Graves
GCH Sinkona's Colors Of The Wind CD, RI, HT, NAP, NJP, OFP, CGC, TKN
Novice B qualifying score to complete Companion Dog Title