Inland Empire Collie Club
2024 Annual Specialties
This year's IECC Annual Shows were dedicated to the memory of Jeff Newkirk, who joined the Inland Empire Collie Club in the 1980's. Jeff was a true Renaissance man with an eclectic list of hobbies and interests. He and his wife Dot moved to Pullman WA in 1976 where he made a 30 year career in Information Technology at Washington State University. He and Dot were chief dog bowl washers and collie-cuddlers for Cambric Collies, and they enjoyed successes at a national level in obedience with some of their early collies as well has showing and handling a number of smooth champions. In addition to his dog hobby and IT career, Jeff served as a field medic in the National Gurard, was an avid motor cyclist, a skilled wood worker, and an excellent music-maker with his Native American flute. He seemed to always have a new hobby he was immersing himself in, and always brought interesting conversation to our collie club events. Collie Club events will be a little less interesting without his always engaging input.
We were very pleased to host 90 entries for our morning and afternoon shows, with opportunities to earn majors in both rough and smooth collies. Linda Ward worked on the specialty throughout the year, hiring judges, applying to AKC to hold the event, being the club contact with our event superintendent (Baray Dog Shows), managing the finances, and ordering ribbons. Because of the change in show location from Moses Lake to Cashmere WA on very short notice, this was an especially challenging event to coordinate this year, and we are grateful to Linda for all the extra work that went into holding the event. Eileen White worked with our vendor to provide a table full of gorgeous trophies, and set up the trophy table. Caroline Baines was our excellent chief ring steward, and kept things moving ringside efficiently throughout a long day. Sharon Holden traveled to Cashmere from Spokane in order to judge Sweepstakes first thing in the morning, and Suzanne Schwab purchased and hauled beverages and snacks and set up our ring-side hospitality table, set up and cleaned up after the judges’ and ring stewards’ lunches, and took down the hospitality table after the specialty. Many of our workers (Sharon, Caroline, Eileen, Suzanne) contributed their time, gas money, and motel expenses to help at the event despite not having any dogs entered. Thank you one and all for your contributions to a day of collie competition and camaraderie.
A few photos from our specialty can be seen here.
Congratulations to Our Breed and Variety Winners
Morning Show
Best of Breed/ Rough Dog - GrCHG Moxie's RocknRolla
Best of Variety/Best of Opposite Sex to BOB/Rough Bitch - GrCH Aurealis Cotillion
Best Variety/Smooth Dog - CH Davenloch The Company You Keep
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety/Smooth Bitch- Snovalley Here For The Party
Best Jr Handler - Kaden Mcnutt
Afternoon Show
Best of Breed/ Rough Bitch - GrCH Majestic Angel In Disguise
Best of Opposite Sex/Rough Dog - GrCHS Aurealis Play For Keeps
Best of Variety /Smooth Bitch - Snovalley Here For The Party
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety/Smooth Dog - CH Davenloch The Company You Keep
And Cheers to Our IECC Member Successes
Melinda Barber -
GrCHB Moxie's RocknRolla, Best of Breed AM, Select PM
Moxie's Float Like A Butterfly, Winners Dog, Smooth PM